
So here I’m just going to give a quick little snippet about me & why I started this page. For starters, my name is Maggie D’Ambrosio and I am currently going to the International House of Prayer University in Grandview, Missouri. I can’t even put into words how much this school has impacted my life. Not only have I grown in my knowledge of the Bible, but I’ve also grown in confidence of my identity in Him. In the few short months that I’ve been here, the Lord has done so much work in me that I can’t even begin to imagine what else He has in store for me the rest of my time here. The reason I started this page was because I wanted to have a space where I could write down all of the things the Lord has been speaking to me about & doing in my life. I also wanted to be able to look back & see where He's taken me & all of the growth He's done in me. So I'm basically just going to be posting anything I feel like He's been placing on my heart or been speaking to me during this crazy, yet amazing journey.