May We Never Lose Our Wonder

     "May we never lose our wonder, wide-eyed and mystified, may we be just like a child, staring at the beauty of our King". A song that was on repeat in my car for a solid week. Even though I knew and understood the lyrics by heart, I never really felt the weight of them in my life. There is a distinct line between understanding something and really feeling it click and resonate inside of you. Well just recently, the Lord began revealing to me the true meaning behind those lyrics in that song. 

     Since I was raised in a Catholic home, I grew up learning about all of the incredible miracles Jesus performed in His time on the Earth. Some of those include the time He turned water into wine (John 2:1-11), His healing of a leper (Mark 1:40-45), His opening the eyes of a man born blind (Mark 8:22-26), and the time He split the Red Sea (Exodus 14). I could go on and on about all of the miracles Jesus accomplished, but even the Bible doesn't record all of the magnificent wonders Jesus performed while He walked on the earth as a man.

     As I've gotten older and more accustomed to hearing about these miracles, I've found myself almost devaluing them. Every time I hear the story of Jesus splitting the Red Sea, I kind of shrug it off and say "oh yeah I've heard that one before". Well recently I have been encountering the magnificence of the Lord in my time with Him. Really knowing the Man Jesus changes my view of who He is today and the power and wonder that followed Him when He walked on the earth. Now when I hear of the times Jesus opened blind eyes, healed the sick, and even raised people from the dead, I am at a loss for words at the beauty of who He is and all that He does. Seriously! These things actually happened! Close your eyes and imagine standing in front of a massive ocean and watching it divide into two, forming a path straight down the middle. Now imagine standing in front of someone who has been paralyzed their whole life and suddenly can stand up and walk because of a Man who has just declared to him "get up and walk!" (Matthew 2:1-12). May we never lose our wonder!

     Another important thing to keep in mind is that the same God who performed all these amazing works long ago is the same God who is healing and delivering people to this day. Although today, He uses His people as a vessel through the Holy Spirit to continue these works on the Earth. The only thing required of us is faith.